This tool is a VHDL model. It is thus platform, operating system and simulator independent. 

1) Start with leaf-level entity/architectures and work your way up; just like 
    synthesis. (See example source.) 

2) Write a TestBench that instantiates both your design and the to-be-created 
    design_PS. (See example TestBench.) Simulate your design in this environment. 

3) Write a configuration, PS_cfg.vhd, that tells PreSynth.vhd the name of the file to
    read, the name of the file to write, and the name of your clock. (See example 

4) Analyze PreSynth.vhd.

5) Analyze PS_cfg.vhd. 

6) Elaborate and simulate PS_cfg for 100 ns. (Simulation time only advances a 
    few ns.) File source_PS.vhd is created. (See example source_PS.) 

   6a) Any errors in your source are displayed in the simulator transcript  
         window and annotated in source_PS.vhd. You MUST fix your code. 

   6b) Any warnings about your source are displayed in the simulator transcript 
         window and annotated in source_PS.vhd. You SHOULD fix your code. 

   6c) Any messages are annotated in source_PS.vhd. You might have a look at 
         the messages if you have time. 

7) Analyze source_PS.vhd 

8) Re-run the TestBench, but this time enable the comparison between the original 
    design "source" and the modified design "source_PS". 

   8a) Miscompares might be due to the dreaded "reset problem", or perhaps 'left 
         (tick left) problem(s). Throughly understand any miscompares before 
         proceeding. This is a good place for a design review. 

9) Synthesize source_PS.vhd. 

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